Podotherapeut Enschede - VoorVoet - Praktijk voor podotherapie in Enschede


On this page you will find general information about podiatry, what you can contact us for and what a treatment program looks like. Do you still have questions? Please contact us!

What is podiatry

Podiatry focuses on the examination and treatment of pain or problems in the lower extremity. Think of foot complaints, but also complaints in knees, hips or the lower back. Are you experiencing pain? The podiatrist examines the cause of your pain and symptoms and then looks for the most appropriate solution. That may be a custom-made insole, but also shoe advice, exercises, an orthosis, treatment of ingrowing toenails, or a temporary treatment such as taping or applying felt to reduce pain of pressure. In short, for almost all complaints that are foot or foot position related, the podiatrist looks for an appropriate solution.

Voorvoet - Praktijk voor podotherapie Enschede. Een voet bestaat uit 26 botjes, 33 gewrichten, 107 ligamenten, en 19 spieren en pezen waarmee we de voet kunnen bewegen. Er kan dus heel wat mis zijn met onze voeten. De invloed hiervan op je knieën, heupen en rug kan enorm zijn.

Podiatry is for everyone

In every different age, you may experience different complaints. This may have to do with development of the body as a child and the changing of your body as you get older.

Podiatry for children

Podiatry can help improve the mobility and function of the feet in children, contributing to their overall health and well-being. It is important to start podiatric therapy early if your child is suffering from foot problems so that any conditions can be treated and prevented from worsening. Children may benefit from podiatric therapy if they:

  • Have trouble walking, running or jumping
  • Experience pain or discomfort in the feet, legs, knees or back
  • Feeling tired easily while playing
  • Have abnormalities of the legs or feet, such as X-legs or O-legs
  • Shoes wear off quickly and excessively

Podotherapy for athletes and active people

Podiatry can be a solution for athletes.  Athletes may suffer from foot problems due to the many hours they spend walking, running, jumping and other physical activities. Common foot problems in active people include for example:

  • Overuse of the feet, causing inflammation, pressure problems, blisters or wounds
  • Sprains or strains of the feet
  • Stress fractures, caused by repeated loading of the feet
  • Reduced mobility of the ankles and feet, which can affect performance

Podiatry can help athletes and active people prevent and treat foot problems, by improving mobility, adjusting footwear as needed and/or providing exercises. Podiatrists can also recommend and manufacture specific insoles or other devices that can improve performance and reduce the risk of injury. With proper care and advice, the podiatrist can ensure that you can stay fit and active.

Podiatry for the elderly

You may also benefit from podiatry as an elderly person. With age, changes can occur in the feet, including, for example:

  • Thinning tissue, making the feet more sensitive
  • Loss of elastic resilience, making the feet more difficult to respond to load
  • Osteoporosis, which contributes to the risk of fractures in the feet
  • Diabetes, rheumatism, arthritis and other (chronic) conditions that can affect the functioning of the feet and make taking care of the feet more difficult. This poses an additional risk for developing foot problems.

Podiatry can help optimize pressure and support under the feet so that there is less pain. This allows you to move more comfortably and safely, reducing the risk of falls.  It is important to seek help with foot problems early, so that any conditions and pain are treated in time and quality of life is improved.

Een behandeltraject bij de podotherapeut bestaat uit een vraaggesprek en een uitgebreide analyse van uw voetklachten. Van hieruit maken wij een therapie op maat, dit kan bijvoorbeeld een podotherapeutische zool zijn, maar ook schoenadvies, een orthese (teenstukje), orthonyxie (nagelbeugel), oefeningen of een tijdelijke oplossing als tape of vilt.

The treatment process

We always start with an extensive intake to identify the problem.  Based on this we perform an examination. This can usually consist of an inspection, examination of the walking pattern, a pressure measurement and testing the function of the feet. We also examine the footwear on which you walk a lot or in which you experience a lot of complaints. If therapy is indicated, we will discuss it together and, if approved, the therapy will be started. In the case of podiatric insoles, the insoles are delivered on short notice and a check-up appointment is always made when you are new with us. The therapy is always tailored to the individual situation.

Voorvoet - Praktijk voor podotherapie Enschede. Een voet bestaat uit 26 botjes, 33 gewrichten, 107 ligamenten, en 19 spieren en pezen waarmee we de voet kunnen bewegen. Er kan dus heel wat mis zijn met onze voeten. De invloed hiervan op je knieën, heupen en rug kan enorm zijn. Bij VoorVoeten kunnen wij hielpijn behandelen.

Common foot problems

Below is a general list of complaints that are common in our practice. Please feel free to contact us if you have any doubts or questions.

  • Foot pain, heel pain, forefoot pain, ankle pain, tendonitis, excessive calluses or corns, ingrown toenails
  • Foot deformities such as flat feet, hollow feet, sagging feet, hammer or claw toes
  • Pain in the lower legs, knees, hips or back caused by foot problems or abnormal foot position
  • Tired or painful feet and/or legs after standing or walking for long periods of time
  • Tendonitis and strains
  • Complaints due to diabetes, rheumatism or other conditions that affect the feet
  • Pain or discomfort while walking or playing sports
Make your appointment online!
VoorVoet - Praktijk voor podotherapie Enschede. Bedrijfspodotherapie. Veel mensen die tijdens werk veel moeten staan en lopen kunnen klachten ervaren in voeten, knieën, heupen of rug. Dit kan erg vervelend zijn en in het ergste geval leiden tot uitvallen van personeel. Podotherapie kan uitkomst bieden door bijvoorbeeld het maken van gecertificeerde podotherapeutische zolen in werkschoeisel. Ook de andere behandelingen van de podotherapeut kunnen mogelijk verlichting. Schoenadvies, orthese (teenstukje), orthonyxie (nagelbeugel) of oefeningen.

Corporate podiatry

Podiatry for companies is a specific form of podiatry aimed at improving the health and well-being of employees. It focuses on preventing and treating foot problems caused by the work environment, such as wearing improperly fitting work shoes, standing for long periods of time on hard surfaces and repetitive work. Also, if your work requires you to stand and walk a lot, this can naturally cause complaints.

Podiatry for companies can be offered as part of a company health program and may include:

  • Assessment of the work environment and work adjustment process
  • Advice on wearing suitable shoes and, if necessary, the fitting of orthotics suitable for the work footwear. This is subject to specific laws and regulations.
  • Treatment of foot injuries
  • Foot exercises and improving posture
  • Prevention of foot problems by improving the work environment and work adjustment process.

Corporate podiatry can help prevent and treat foot problems and reduce absenteeism and related costs. It can also help improve employee productivity and satisfaction.

For more information feel free to contact us without obligation.

Podotherapeut Enschede - VoorVoet - Praktijk voor podotherapie in Enschede
VoorVoet - 
Podiatric therapy practice
Eeftinksweg 13
7541 WE  Enschede
☏ +31 (0) 6 577 509 97
🖂 [email protected]
Commerce nr.
AGB practice code
Bank Account
NL18 KNAB 0515 1858 84
Opening hours:
8.00 - 17.00
8.30 - 19.30
8.00 - 17.00
8.00 - 17.00
8.00 - 17.00
Privacy policy
Terms and conditions
Podotherapeut Enschede - Er zijn in Nederland zo’n 1.000 podotherapeuten verenigd in de Nederlandse Vereniging van Podotherapeuten (NVvP). De podotherapie in Nederland ontwikkelt zich snel en er is in steeds grotere mate sprake van onderlinge samenwerking tussen podotherapeuten en andere voetzorgprofessionals. De NVvP bewaakt de eenheid en kwaliteit binnen de beroepsgroep. Op het kantoor in Hilversum zijn de beleids- en bureaumedewerkers werkzaam.
Podotherapeut Enschede - Kwaliteitsregister Paramedici (KP). Als podotherapeut ben ik kwaliteitsgeregistreerd. Een kwaliteitsregistratie bij het KP laat zien dat je als paramedicus het juiste diploma bezit, iedere vijf jaar een ruim aantal cliëntgebonden uren werkt, continu bij- en nascholing en activiteiten volgt die deskundigheid bevorderen en werkt volgens de laatste inzichten en ontwikkelingen in de paramedische zorg.